HYPO2 is a sport management organization centered around a world-renowned altitude training program and a collaboration of best-in-class high performance sport professionals. Our team is entirely focused on producing nothing less than the very best altitude training camps in the world, seamlessly integrating core training camp needs with high quality training venues and a formidable array of high performance services, all centrally coordinated by sport management staff experienced in meeting the needs of elite athletes.Our mission is nothing less than delivering the finest fully-supported training camp experience in the world for our athletes and coaches.


The community of Flagstaff, Arizona (at an elevation of 7000 ft / 2100m) began hosting elite athletes who were preparing for the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City and who were seeking an altitude environment in which to prepare for high profile national and international competitions. As such activity and interest in altitude training continued to grow over the next few decades, the Center for High Altitude Training at Northern Arizona University (NAU) opened in 1995 on the NAU campus in order for the community to better serve this athlete population. From 1995 to 2008, the Center for High Altitude Training established itself as one of the preeminent organizations to coordinate altitude-based training camps, garnering a worldwide reputation for excellence on both the service and facility front. In 2009, the Center closed (largely due to the university's budget reduction) and HYPO2, made up of experienced sport management staff who'd worked for the Center, was founded to pick up where NAU had left off. Since 2009, HYPO2 has continued to expand on the offerings of the NAU-based program, refining the production and management of altitude training camps in Flagstaff, serving more and more elite athletes from more and more countries, and keeping Flagstaff front and center as the best possible place on the planet for altitude training.

Association of Sports Performance Centres

After the success of the 1st Forum on Elite Sport in 1999 in Sydney and the 2nd Forum in Barcelona on 2001, it was clear to elite sport industry insiders that there needed to be a common place for the people and the organizations that work in the elite sports field to exchange experiences and information. These gatherings served as the basis for the creation of an International Association of High Performance Sports Training Centres to discuss ways to better prepare our athletes through exchange opportunities and a sharing of ideas and knowledge under a fair play philosophy.
  • ASPC Mission To be to provide opportunities that enhance training for high performance sport worldwide.
  • ASPC Vision ASPC is an active partner with development and leadership of sport training centres, setting the standard in the global high performance training site community.
HYPO2 was accepted as a member of the ASPC in 2015 (the only entity in the United States to have membership other than the U.S. Olympic Training Center) and remains an important part of the collective worldwide effort to enhance training opportunities for elite athletes.